RapHead.com - If you have an appreciation for literacy, art, and creativity, from the outside looking in "The Words" may be worth a few hours of your life. If your a Zoe Saldana fan one may also think this is the flick worth checking out over the weekend! Eh, not so much in our opinion. At the end of the day, this movie fell way short of our expectations.
From the start of the film all the way to the end we felt detached from the movie as well as the characters. In our opinion its safe to say the casting director dropped the ball on this. We have nothing against Bradly Cooper but this character was definitely not for him. We did not believe that he was this passionate writer and loving husband of his Latina Princess. We did not believe that he was sorry for pulling a jack move on this old mans book. We believed for 5mins. that he was upset that he did not turn out to be this great writer that he thought he would grow up to be. We were not the only ones either, there were a few times in the theater where people were chuckling at scenes that were supposed to be "serious". Not a good look.

Now you have Zoe who is now just "there" because she is obviously feeding off of the main characters energy. Their relationship didn't seem real, they didn't seem "together", more like two people just acting like they are in a relationship because they are being paid to do so.

We are fans of Zoe, but why she was the chosen Black/Latina women we will never know?! Well yes we will let us take that back...The reason why she only gets with white guys in films is because Hollywood RARELY gives lead roles to young black actors in movies like this. Hollywood loves exotic looking girls like Saldana. That my RapHeads is why you see her ONLY dating and taking roles with her being the token "Black" Wifey/Girlfriend. Good for her - Don't Hate.
Synopsis: The story is actually 3 stories combined into 1. We have a young aspiring writer who wants to build a legacy in literacy. He is surrounded around people who are successful and found their path in life, but doesn't know how they got there and why he has not? He marries his young Latina princess (who has been with since college) in Paris and falls in Love with the experiences he is going through while in country.

He confesses his mistake to his wife who leaves him for not being honest about the words and not disclosing the truth to her earlier on in their relationship. All this is told in third person by the writer who possibly is the character he is describing in the book.

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