
Chris Brown's Boo Karrueche Tran On Cover Of Vibe Magazine

Karrueche Tran For VIBE Magazine
 It seems like it’s cool to be the ‘ex’ girl or even the side girl, depending on who you ask. And who’s made this cool, Karrueche Tran. She sat down with VIBE Mag to discuss her ex Chris Brown, The Kill, and more.
VIBE: How did you come up with the concepts for your clothing line? Karrueche Tran: Chris [Brown] wanted to do a female line for his men’s line ["Black Pyramid"]. So he asked me to take over and “The Kill” was gonna be a women’s only line but it’s actually unisex.
How long have you two been planning this? It’s been a few months. When I first started, I pretty much thought of the name. Then from there, we started making very basic sample t-shirts, hats, beanies and socks. That’s what a lot of people saw online and on Instagram. They saw certain people wearing it, so it created this really big buzz in our very first stages. We got a little bit ahead of ourselves and we wanted to do this really awesome launch on 12/12/12, but we kinda had to slow it down ‘cause things weren’t 100% completely done. That’s why we waited.
How is the name “The Kill” representative of your life? I was at home one day and this song “In For The Kill” by La Roux was stuck in my head, so “The Kill” stuck out to me.
Since Chris has his own lines, what advice has he given you in terms of being the creative director for “The Kill?” (Laughs) He hasn’t really given me advice. He completely trusts me with this line. He’s seen my designs and he loves everything so far. He definitely has my back and pushes us forward as well.
How hard is it to work with Chris with everything that’s going on? At the end of the day, he will always be a friend. We’ll always care about each other. We won’t allow that to interfere. Our business is business.
If you could sit down with Chris and Rihanna in the same room, what would you want to get off your chest? For everybody, emotionally, that would just be way too much. I’m a very mature person so if the time ever did come where we would need to sit down and talk, I’d do it. I’m a mature person. I can work it out but that would be a lot. (Pause) Yeah, it would be a lot.

Courtesy Of Ladulce


  1. She knows still loves him!

  2. nice big ups 2 her #Chilly

  3. Anonymous06:10

    She mad sexy -- Black Hollywood Couples
