Controversial emcee Hopsin sits down with HardKnockTV at his home in Los Angeles for an in-depth interview that reveals many sides that fans don’t often see.
He recalls how seeing concert-goers star-struck by his presence at
shows inspired him to give others a formula to success, as opposed to
glamorizing money and sex like most rappers do in modern times. Hopsin
reveals that he’s always believed in God, but was often unsure of what
was “right” until he felt God speaking to him months ago.
Hopsin came into prominence as a self-proclaimed ‘asshole,’ with
controversial songs such as “Sag My Pants” attacking the materialism of
modern culture and the selfishness of the the music industry. This
interview shows a more relaxed side to this fiery entertainer, and
reveals more details behind why he acts the way he does.
Watch below
yes, i believe the industry i full of brainwashing