
Cotten Kandi Giveaway Contest: Win A Free Pair Of Glasses

Cotten Kandi would like to choose 25 of our devoted readers to win a chance to get a free pair of glasses courtesy

All we ask is that you be 18 years or older and send us an e-mail regarding why you should you be selected as a winner with your name and contact information.
You must also be following the site on Twitter and “LIKE” us on Facebook.
Please e-mail for more details.
Follow Cotten Kandi of Twitter at @CottenKandi
Like The Site on Facebook at Cotten Kandi Fanpage
The winners will be selected at random and contacted on December 20th. Your voucher of $20 will be redeemable up until Christmas Day, December 25th by midnight.

Courtesy Of CottenKandi