One of the best qualities Ice Cube possesses as a
rapper is his ability to get in the face of his listeners. His best
albums have shown he prefers to provoke than to shy away from the big
issues, and if new single and title track ”Everythang’s Corrupt” is
anything to go by, his forthcoming album (his 10th) will do exactly
With the presidential election just around the corner, Ice Cube
decides to drop a video exposing the widespread ills of American
politics and society. Whilst he rants over a sample of Betty Wright’s
1968 classic “Girls Can’t Do What The Guys Do”, a relentless barrage of
recent news clips hammers home his message- that no-one is safe from
institutional and individual corruption. The faces that flash on screen
encompass everyone from sportsmen whose careers were built on lies, to
bankers whose careers were built on greed, playing out like a sort of
modern Dante’s “Inferno” , before the clip explodes into natural
disasters, mass protest and police repression. Ever since Cube was in N.W.A. he has been expressing his feeling about what goes on in the "Hood". Cube has traveled the world and seen many things yet he still tells it like it is on a global level. That's what a true artist does he don't just go along with the trend he/she expresses him/her selves despite the criticism. Check him out below.
cube nice he still be trying .faf