Recently our very own Editor and Chief Ritch "Knowledge" Blackman's daughter (Chadai A. Reed-Blackman) met up with Legendary model Beverly Johnson said the pressure for women to be
rail-thin is even worse these days than when she first started her
As a matter of fact, Beverly said the “obsession” to be slim isn’t
just reserved for models anymore. Everyday people want to fit into size 2
fashions, as well.
“Before, when we were models, we were the only ones thin and no one
wanted to emulate us. Now, I guess because of the world that we live in,
everybody wants to be thin. So, you really do have to be thin,” she
told “Access Hollywood.”
Although exercising helps to keep the pounds off, Beverly said most models rely on a simpler alternative.
“You don’t eat. You starve, and that was part of the occupational
hazard of modeling. So, it’s really sad to see regular people doing the
same thing to stay thin, especially the young girls,” said Beverly, who
salutes Vogue magazine for its recent pledge to use healthier models in the magazine. “I do feel like it’s a step in the right direction.”
Beverly, who starred in an OWN reality series with her daughter
Anansa Sims, said she’s glad her daughter never held onto those
unrealistic standards of beauty.
“My daughter is a plus-sized model. I take my hat off to her because
she came to the conclusion that she was going to embrace who she is, and
it took me to the age of 40 to get to where she is right now.”
See more of Beverly’s interview below.
She still look good, black don't crack babby